Thursday, December 31, 2015

Teamviewer issues with screen refresh on remote host

I use Teamviewer a lot.  It is a great tool and for personal use, it is free.  I've never really had any issues with it until recently.  I setup a Linux Mint (Rosa) and when remoting to it using Teamviewer, I've had issues with the remote screen not refreshing properly.  I may close a window, but portions of the window will remain behind, buttons, chunks of the previous window, things like that.  Eventually the desktop will become so cluttered I cannot use it.

Sometimes toggling the quality settings will clear up the screen for the moment but I really need a reliable solution.

So far, the only thing I have found is a setting on the local teamviewer client.  Bring up the top menu, under View, click to expand (if necessary) to show 'custom settings'.  Then select the box for 'better compatibility' or 'improve application compatibility' depending on what version of Teamviewer you are using.

This may help.

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Having issues with node-red-contrib-freeboard and your own instance of freeboard?


a npm node by urbiworx

The instructions for node-red-contrib-freeboard say 'Just install this plugin to your Node Red installation by using npm: "npm install node-red-contrib-freeboard" in your Node Red root directory'.- That is supposed to be all that needs to be done for this to work...

When I do this, essentially, freeboard is missing.  The freeboard page is not there and attempting to access yields a 'cannot GET /freeboard' error.The issue is the actual freeboard node is getting placed in the same node_modules folder as the node-red-contrib-freeboard node, and that is not what the 'contrib' node expects. Instead, the contrib-freeboard node is looking for the freeboard directory under it's own node_modules directory, but it is not there.  To remedy this issue, we need to move it to the location where node-red-contrib-freeboard expects it to be.

From the command line go to your node-red/node_modules directory.  If you run: ls free* [enter]
you should see freeboard listed as a directory.  Let's move that...

node-red/node_modules $ mv freeboard ./node-red-contrib-freeboard/node_modules/
Now if you take a look at the contents of node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-freeboard/node_modules/ you should see freeboard along with a few other directories. Now when you launch node-red, and open http://localhost:1880/freeboard, it should be there. The above is assuming you are using that port and localhost.

New beginner's guide to PowerShell on my GitHub page

 I created a beginner's guide to PowerShell here: I hope it helps someo...